What we do at my Support Circle?
My Support Circle provides Support Coordination and Specialised Support Coordination services within Sydney. Based in the Hill’s district, we are a mobile service, happy to travel and love utilising technology to service participants near and far. We’re committed to providing services that empower people to identify their goals in life, build their understanding of NDIS, exercise choice and control and ultimately live your best life.
Connect with likeminded people and services to create your circle and achieve the life goals you have always dreamed of. This could be seeing friends and family more, using equipment and technology to increase independence, maintaining your employment or exploring hobbies that interest you and light up your soul.
We work with YOU and trusted providers to find supports and services that are committed to you and your NDIS journey. My Support Circle is dedicated to providing individual support that truly meets YOUR need.
We would love to be given the opportunity to become part of your circle.
What is Support coordination?
support connection
Support Connection aims to build your confidence in coordinating your plan, connecting you with services and supports within your community and get you started on your NDIS journey.
Support connection is a time limited service that aims to support you to independently continue on your journey.
support coordination
Support Coordination aims to build your confidence in understanding your plan, connecting, and linking you with services and supports within your community, essentially building your circle!
Support Coordination is usually funded for participants who have complex circumstances or multiple service systems to navigate.
Specialised Support Coordination is short term, intensive support for participants who have extremely complex support needs or are in high risk, complex environments. Specialised Support Coordination offers all of the supports included in Support Coordination as well as addressing the complexities that require Specialised Support Coordination